Hello viewers today we knowing about free internet through YOUR FREEDOM VPN. We all are know that internet is very common in today’s era but the price of Internet service’s is increased day by day. I am from india and I was used this vpn last 3 years in my all sim cards. We know that Everyone are addicted to Internet after launching of JIO free services no one can live without Internet, but the price most increses therefore I have a solution to get free internet in all country.
In this post I will show you how to get free internet through YOUR FREEDOM VPN. Your freedom are very popular and 100% trusted vpn which is most used in USA.This Vpn are also provide free internet through DNS mode.
Requirements For Use Free Internet Through YOUR FREEDOM VPN App On Your Android Device
Maintain your main account balance below 30 paisa or zero.
An android device instead with any 2g/3g/4g sim card.
Download and install YOUR FREEDOM VPN app on your Android Device.
This all requirements are need to use free internet on your Android Device. YOUR FREEDOM VPN app are use in all country.The use of your freedom is very simple and easy in all the way,the below given process is very simple anyone can do this process easily but one nessecary thing that you have 5 mb of data in use of first time dream11. Also Read: 1)How to Play Dream11 Sports Game2)How to earn money through Gig india
Step to be followed for getting free internet through YOUR FREEDOM VPN app
1) First of all download YOUR FREEDOM VPN app from play store or Click here for download
2) Open app and click on (WWW.YOUR-FREEDOM.NET), and then register your account in YOUR FREEDOM VPN app. (See Screenshot).
[NOTE: You should have minimum 5 MB of data at registration time, its important for creating account]
3) How to register on your freedom vpn:
Don’t touch username or password section.
Type your email address ( in case of already registed email address please type any wrong email like, xyz1234xy@gmail.com )
Then accept all the terms and conditions.
Finally fill some minor infirmation about you and click on CREATE ACCOUNT tab.
Here your registration process is complete now we learn how to setup DNS mode and use free internet.
4) After successfully creating account click on CONFIGURE option and then CONNECTION. Now change some setting like this:
Your freedom server : ems31.your-freedom.de
Tweaks : INDIA RCom
Connection Mode : DNS
Port : 53
5) After changing this setting press back two times and then Click on Start Connection. It will take 2 to 3 minutes for connecting free server.
The speed of your freedom app is shown in your notification and you can also check in your aplication.and the speed is also depend in your city because the network are not equal in every places therefore the is also depending in your locality network.
Hope you successfully configured YOUR FREEDOM VPN app settings and enjoying free internet on android device. If you have any doubts regarding ‘ How to Get Free Internet on any sim through YOUR FREEDOM VPN app’ then please do comment below anf you can also me on my whatsapp or email, we are happy to help you.
How to make it work for Android nougat
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