Youtube is a part of Google where lots of people earn money as well as fame, I am also a YouTuber and blogger. In Cass of india, youtube is most trending because of jio free internet offer,jio are made people crazy, I realize that India has increased day by day youtube.
After junior and increases of youtube, most in india youtube change their policy day by day. My opinion everybody become a youtube if interested because their one thing is important that passion, who show their unique passion i said that is a famous YouTuber in 2018.
Google has lots of product which provided many services but the youtube is that platform where people earn money as well as fame.
Earn money is very important in today’s era because unemployment is common in India who wants to earn money through youtube then you can join today and work hard to become a YouTuber.
India is a country where most use youtube in 2017 because of Reliance jio free internet services, India most riches person Ambani gave free internet offer. Our India government want to become make digital India, after jio launching jio I think it is possible. Now we know about how to become a youtube, which thing is most important and which is dangerous.
How to become a Youtuber?
First of all, We know that every professional, richest and famous youtube are a human being then why I do not become a youtube. okay I mean everyone become a youtube if want and do hard work at your starting time. Lots of things are important for becoming a youtube.
Firstly try to show your face in the camera and make a professional type of video in every day like technical guruji. Secondly, make a routine for upload daily basis video if it’s not possible then try to upload video regularly.
Thirdly, Try to make content 100% original and unique because youtube algorithm is ranked only unique content and the unique content is also run on youtube trending, therefore try to make original and pure content.
Fourthly, Never be copied any type of song or video because its dangerous for your channel and the youtube algorithm are smart which are detected every copied content and gave a strike.
Fifthly, the most important thing must you have i.e, camera, mic, smartphone,pc and a video editing software, this all thing are most important for starting a journey of youtube.
How to work on youtube?
The process of working in youtube is very easy and simple because I was work previous 2 years through my mobile without any pc or laptop.i am doing anything through my phone which is possible on only pc or windows, therefore my suggestion to use the latest feature smartphone.
Google Chrome browser is very simple and desktop type version application, click on the right corner of chrome browse and tick the option of Desktop version.
In this application, you can do anything of youtube, and you can use some others app like kinemaster and viva video for video editing, youtube created studio is a most important app for seeing your monthly report and earnings of your channel.
process of video uploading in youtube through chrome browser in the desktop version, because here you can add a tag, category, location, custom thumbnails and etc. If any problem for making youtube channel then please comment below, I will answer in 24 hours and you can also contact me.
How to create a youtube channel?
Youtube channel, creating of the youtube channel is very simple and easy, follow all the step to make a complete youtube channel.
1)First of all, make make a Gmail email id related to your channel name and then go to youtube application.
2) Choose your email in youtube, then click on right upper corner of your name and click on my channel tab and then write your channel name and click on create channel option, after these process your channel is ready and this is the simple process to make a youtube channel.
3) After creating channel upload its cover and main photo which is very important for everyone. 4)After upload image, go to the youtube my channel section and verified your account through your mobile number, and then apply for monetization.
5)After 5 to 6 video upload, you can apply for monetization, for monetization applying must have a Google AdSense account.
6)Click on my channel tab and then monetization tab option and follow 4 steps to successfully apply for monetization.
7)After apply monetization, Try to get 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hour for start monetization in your youtube channel.
After complete 1000 subscribers and 4000 hour, your channel goes for review and then your monetization be enabled if you have no community and copyright strike.
8)Make lots of money through your good content and hard work on youtube, if u will copy any of music or video then your channel is in under a risk. please make sure to make your own and original content.
I Hope all of my friends understand the process of becoming a youtube if any problem then please do comment below and you can also contact me on my email, we are happy to help you.